自从中国共产党第18大国会大会以来,官长习近平就提出了“创造性转型和创新发展”的政策(以下是“大规模企业家和创新”),以推动中国的出色传统文化。传播中国的出色传统文化不仅可以增强中国人作为中国国家成员的身份,而且还可以加深人们对民族历史的集体记忆。 ①传统文化的继承和发展不能与各种图像的帮助分开,电视连续剧在其中发挥了不可替代的作用。在过去的十年中,我国家的电视剧行业发展迅速,并且在艺术上变得越来越成熟。大量出色的电视剧充分展示了中国出色的传统文化的魅力,并成为讲述中国故事的重要载体。
总体而言,我国家电视剧产业取得了这样的成就的原因与中国出色的传统文化的继承和创新是不可分之的。自从中国共产党第18大国会大会以来,在“大规模企业家精神和创新”政策的指导下,中国电视剧创作者已经将《时代》,《人民本性》和《创新》的特征融入了主题表达,故事形式和创新叙事技术,使我国家的电视剧充满活力。 ,充满光彩,展现出诚信,创新和多样性的高质量发展趋势。传统文化能够承受长期洗礼和保持新鲜的洗礼的原因与电视连续剧创作在过去几十年中的创造性转型和创新发展中的贡献是不可分之的。电视连续剧将人民的精神和文化需求紧密地融合在一起,并通过展示外部可见的传统文化元素和内部感知的传统文化精神,从而在观众中意识到中国出色的传统文化的“生活”继承。
关于传统文化的定义,张·达尼安(Zhang Dainian受益于世界,奇妙的文学和艺术,充满智慧的哲学和宗教,完整而深刻的道德伦理”和其他基本内容。后来,许多学者从不同角度分析了传统文化的内涵和扩展。
2017年1月,“关于中国共产党中央委员会总部和国务院总办公室发表的“实施中国出色传统文化的遗产和发展项目的意见”阐明了中国优秀的主要内容传统文化,包括强调仁慈和对人民的重要性。 ,保持核心思想,例如诚信,倡导正义,倡导和谐并寻求伟大;中国传统的美德,例如自我完善,对社区的奉献精神,帮助有需要的人,公义,虔诚和对亲戚的虔诚和热爱等,这有助于促进社会和谐并鼓励人们变得善良。中国人文主义的精神等。
习近公秘书长指出,中国的出色传统文化是中国文明的结晶和本质,中国民族的根源和灵魂,以及我们在世界文化激增中坚持坚定的基础。继承和推进中国优秀的传统文化需要创新的表达方法,以遵守传统文化的本质,以与时代保持同步。作为一篇长形式的叙事文本,电视剧具有受欢迎程度,全面性和讲故事的特征。在一定程度上,无论是在听众接受还是文本特征方面,电视剧都可以为中国出色的传统文化的“大规模企业家和创新”做出贡献。 “提供帮助。
总体而言,可以将传统文化的继承和促进可以大致总结为连续的几个阶段,例如保存和忠诚,分类和发掘,继承和促进,转型和重新设计以及创新的发展。 “双重企业家精神”基本上对应于转变,重新设计和创新。发展的两个阶段。从这个意义上讲,创造性的转型和创新的发展与过去和未来有关,但前者着重于改变旧文化并为传统文化赋予新的活力。后者不仅限于改变传统文化,而且还要注意在新时代的新发展的背景下扩展,推动和升华转变的文化。
“家庭和国家的感觉”是中国出色传统文化的基本含义之一。 Qu Yuan将自己扔进河里为自己的国家而死,Yue Fei忠于他的国家,Wen Tianxiang越过了ling绕的海洋。著名人物的行为都充满了古人对自己国家的热情感。如今,经过数千年的历史洪流,这个充满任务的家庭和民族状况仍然可以在当代电视剧中获得积极,积极和良性的演讲。
例如,在电视连续剧《 Mi Yue的传奇》中,戏剧中具有不同身份和个性的人物都表现出了他们对国家和家庭的责任感和使命:当Mi Yue受到迫害并逃离时,她就放弃了与她童年的甜心一起飞走并坚决回到中国的机会。秦国家的未来不确定。黄东拒绝了秦的提议,因为他对楚州的爱和忠诚。荣耀和官方职位;叶夫人宁愿死在大火中,但也要确保有秦王国的继任者……由于时代的背景,家族和民族条件在游戏不能脱离氏族伦理对个人意识的限制,但他们为国家和家庭竭尽所能。他所做的牺牲因古代和现代的共同情感而引起了当前听众的共鸣。
●电视连续剧“ Miyue的传奇”
在一定程度上,电视剧充分利用了古代和现代情感之间的相似性和相关性,使观众仍然可以找到与当前时代的共识点,当时品尝了很久以前甚至在虚构的虚构世界中生活的这些角色和故事。 。这种合适的更多是关于在精神,思想,情感和文化方面跨越时空之间的联系和共鸣,它也是文化基因深入血液的继承。电视剧使观众能够以更加生动和三维的方式与传统文化建立情感联系,并客观地促进出色的传统文化的继承和发展。
“传统”和“时尚”似乎一直以两次矛盾而存在。但是,两者之间存在一定的连接,无法忽略。一方面,在不断变化的时代经受了时间的洗礼的时尚最终将成为一种传统。另一方面,旧的但兼容的传统也可能成为创造性转型后的新时尚。目前,“跳舞一千年”和“ Wanli”文化种类的出现表明,例如“独自一人”,这完全例证了这一点。同样,电视剧创作者还可以使用某些艺术技术来连接古代和现代,刺激观众对历史研究的热情,并引发传统文化的新趋势。
例如,“ Menghua Lu”将歌曲王朝的文化作为探索传统文化创造性转变的入口处。这项作品不仅借鉴了古代画的风格,并用当代美学来重现它们,而且还仔细地描绘了歌曲王朝(燃烧香,订购茶,悬挂式绘画和花朵)的“生命四件事”,试图尝试传达观众展示歌曲王朝生活的各个方面。
在播出“ Menghualu”之后,诸如“ Menghualu Cuju”和“ Menghualu Tea”之类的术语经常出现在微博的热搜索清单上;复古风格的服装的销售也显示出在线购物平台上的爆炸性增长趋势。 。电子商务平台的销售数据显示,自2022年6月推出“ Menghualu”以来,Retro,中国风格和类似仙女的女装已成为该平台上的热门搜索词。与5月相比,6月份中国风格的女装的销售额增长了54%。与同一时期相比,风连衣裙的销量增加了50%以上。 ④
●电视连续剧“ Meng Hua Lu”
例如,在“只有三十个”和“理想城市”中创建的女性角色与过去的善良妻子和母亲的形象有很大不同新时代的改善;兄弟和朋友的传统家庭概念,兄弟尊重和儿子的孝顺包括不同的是,诸如“一切都是好”,“小的告别”,“小快乐”和“小愿意”等作品传达了家庭概念的新时代:允许家庭成员追求个人权利,家庭利益不再高于个人利益,并努力在家庭和个人之间取得平衡。这些电视剧不仅为观众带来了娱乐,而且还满足了他们的精神,文化和审美需求,并以图像表现和叙事方式来解释新时代的主流价值观。 ⑤
●电视连续剧“ Little Will”
为了对中国出色的传统文化进行创新的发展,国内电视剧的创作者应该首先突破意识形态上的误解,即“强调对兴趣和责任的强调”和“强调娱乐和对文化的强调”,并重塑了新的文化生态学更高的历史观点。 。其次,在继承了出色的中国文化时,电视剧应打破固有的创意模型的限制,并根据新时代的特征更新创建和交流模型。最后,电视剧应该打破空间障碍,从全球角度讲述中国故事,并增强中国在世界各地出色的传统文化的影响力和吸引力。
勇敢地拥抱市场并不意味着要远离文化责任。近年来,许多电视剧在平衡文化责任和商业利益方面进行了新的探索。诸如“清单”之类的作品,“您知道应该是绿色,脂肪,红色和薄而薄荷和“ Meng Hua Lu”,不仅试图将中国优秀传统文化的本质嵌入情节和角色创造中,而且还试图将其嵌入专注于展示传统文化的精神和魅力。 ,并没有陷入志趣相投的陷阱,而是在评级,口碑和商业化探索方面取得了某些结果,为塑造电视剧文化的新生态提供了实用的想法。
●电视连续剧“清ping le”
此外,一些电视连续剧还催生了综艺节目,以进一步提高了该系列的普及。例如,综艺节目“在舞台上遇见您”源自“ sideburns nes nay nabe of begonia red”,同时播放了电视连续剧。邀请北京的歌剧名人解释戏剧中的历史背景和性格关系,并在某种程度上在一定程度上解释了北京歌剧的传统知识。扩展和输出。一方面,这种方法使观众更容易理解情节。另一方面,它还捕捉了剧本中的北京歌剧元素,吸引了该节目的粉丝,增加了综艺节目的受欢迎程度,并链接粉丝们注意该系列赛,以实现双赢的情况。 ⑥可以想象,随着媒体集成的过程继续前进,该产业链的布局和扩展将变得越来越普遍。
从远古时代,无论是在东方还是西方,听故事和讲故事都是人类的本能。人类祖先在洞穴和石墙上追踪的模式数万年前可以解释为古老的故事。当人类有语言时,故事成为人类了解世界并与不同种族的人类交流的工具。故事不仅是一种情感上的交流,而且是灵魂中的一种对话。故事可以增加社会成员的凝聚力并促进文化的传播。 ⑦讲故事并不断地使用它们已成为人类意识发展的一部分,而讲故事的需求几乎成为始终和国内外的公众的“严格需求”。因此,出色的传统文化的创新发展也可以在“讲故事”中找到其来源,并依靠电视剧扩展和扩展,从而促进了中国从国家到世界的优秀传统文化。
例如,“女儿的美丽时代”探索了当代城市家庭中婆婆和daughter妇的关系,以及新的婚姻和爱的概念,以及“鸡羽毛飞向天空“反映了Yiwu改革的故事,并通过小镇的故事和平民观点开放。它的重点是缓解贫困,并反映了中国人民对更好生活的渴望。许多出色的戏剧讲述了中文故事,例如“对山和海洋的热爱”和“世界上的热爱”,迪斯尼在拍摄开始后一个月购买了海外广播权,一旦他们在海外引起了广泛的回应和共鸣播送。 (有关详细信息,请参见表2)。
当然,电视连续剧的娱乐与简短视频不同。在这两个中,简短的视频更像是限时自助餐。 By presenting the most important and exciting content, you can achieve the satisfaction of feasting in a short time. The TV series is more like a family dinner. It is told in a leisurely manner, and what you enjoy is the whole process of the meal and the details of each interaction.
Generally speaking, TV dramas are a unity of historical reality and artistic fiction. With a narrative style full of humanistic care and a slow narrative rhythm, they have become an important window to reflect the current reality, and always adhere to a people-centered creative orientation. If movies are the dream of life, then TV series are more like the lamp of life, moistening things and silently observing the life of ordinary people.
●TV series "The Awakening Age"
(2) Describing ancient and modern scrolls to witness the great changes of the times
With its rich subject matter expression, long-term time span, and broad scope of vision, TV series record all aspects of the development of a nation and country, depict a cultural picture that runs through ancient and modern times for the audience, and witness the vicissitudes of the times.
Among the outstanding TV dramas in the past ten years, there are "The Qin Empire" and "The Ming Dynasty" that promote historical integrity and demonstrate cultural confidence; there are "The Pretender" and "The Awakening Years" that review modern history and tell the original mission of revolutionaries. "Era" and "Rebel"; there are "In the Name of the People", "Icebreaker" and "Crackdown on Crime", which uphold justice, punish evil and promote good; there are "Chicken Feathers Flying to the Sky", "River" and "Big River", which recall the years of struggle and embrace the happy present. Love of Mountains and Seas" ; There are "Soma Flowers Blooming" and "We Are All Family", which reflect the unity of the nation and tell the entrepreneurship and life stories of ethnic minority compatriots; there are "Little Farewell" and "My First Half of Life" which focus on hot social topics such as education, family, and elderly care. "It's All Good"; there are "Ode to Joy", "Only Thirty" and "Old Girlfriends" which focus on the living conditions and life prospects of contemporary women; there are "The Hunting Ground", "Setting Up" and "Ideal" which show the real workplace ecology and the fighting spirit of workplace people. City" etc.
It can be seen that tapping the spirit of the times and composing the epic of the times has always been the basic guideline for the creation of Chinese TV dramas. At the same time, TV dramas also invisibly convey the traditional culture and values of the Chinese nation, and use audio-visual means to write about the joys and sorrows of ancient and modern life.
●TV series "Asking the Sky"
Looking into the future, the current excellent TV dramas will eventually become historical images that record the development of the Chinese era. Therefore, those works that carry the national spirit and depict the climate of the times, such as "Asking the Sky", which tells the story of a group of young scientists, led by the older generation of experts, overcoming difficulties and finally completing the launch of the Beidou satellite; are based on real people and stories from all walks of life. Based on "Together", which tells the story of ordinary people joining hands to "fight the epidemic"; with the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics as the background, "Winter Olympics Family" and "The Name of Ice and Snow", which tell the story of ice and snow athletes realizing their dreams, etc. The significance of these works is not only It's about the present and more about the future.
(3) Carrying the memory of home and country and constructing national identity
In the 1980s, German scholar Jan Assmann introduced his famous "cultural memory" theory into Halbwach's macroscopic research category of "collective memory". Asman believes that memory, as an important social phenomenon, can construct human beings' self-identity. In addition, the process of recalling memories and achieving recognition is also inseparable from the power of "cohesive structure". "Cohesive structure" means that on the temporal level, connecting history and the present, the past and the present, can give practical significance to the reappeared past; in addition, on the social level, by looking for common cultural memories of humankind's past, we can cohere The current consensus on values and behaviors, “the past here is usually condensed into some symbols that can be attached to memories.” ⑧ Therefore, the "cultural memory" theory connects "culture" and "memory" and provides a new perspective for inheriting excellent traditional culture and constructing self-identity and national identity at present.
The unified side of opposites of "memory" is obviously forgetting. Especially in the current context of the rise of multiculturalism and the sweeping wave of globalization, the invasion of foreign cultures and the blurring of historical memory may bring about the crisis of the loss of traditional culture and the rupture of historical memory.
Re-examining the traditional culture that is far away but still close, digging out forgotten memories, building collective value consensus, and building national identity have also become important propositions in current social development. Of course, people cannot experience the disappearing history and culture in person. Although museums provide people with a place to store common memories to a certain extent, this is obviously not sufficient and vivid enough. With the advent of the image age, the audience is not only It can transcend the barriers of time and space, and can also transcend simple text, sound or picture forms. Through the audio-visual image media, it can more clearly construct the individual's historical understanding and collective memory of the nation and country, and thus rise to the collective understanding of the entire national value recognition.
In particular, the image form of TV dramas concretely reproduces the history of different time periods and the people's living conditions and lifestyles under specific historical backgrounds in a way that the people like to see and hear, constructing rich cultural memories about China and inheriting them artistically 。 The spirit of traditional culture records the stories of family and country under a specific historical background, attracts the general audience to pay attention to the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and at the same time find cultural belonging and generate cultural resonance. It is an important carrier for building values and national identity.
TV dramas can show the development and evolution of a nation's mainstream consciousness by writing family stories or individual destiny in the long history. For the audience, they can also go back to a specific era and empathize with it through this kind of easily substituted image form. Whether it is the thematic work "The Age of Awakening" or the period drama "The World", through the high-level restoration of the scenes with a sense of the times, the audience can put themselves into the era in which the drama is set, from family history to national history, from family values to mainstream consciousness The form, from individual identity to group identity, then inspires people to recall and examine history, and builds a high degree of identification with the nation and country.
●TV series "Human World"
Needless to say, in the past ten years, although the creation of Chinese TV dramas has increasingly focused on the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional culture, there are also problems of improper transformation and development in some works. For example, some TV dramas lack historical research and blindly use some foreign elements, especially those unique to Japan and South Korea, as elements of traditional Chinese culture. Chinese culture itself is very inclusive and is not opposed to absorbing and learning from high-quality foreign cultures. However, this absorption and learning should still be based on our country's traditional culture, rather than putting the cart before the horse. There are also some works that use exaggerated plots and characters to convey decadent values that are inconsistent with the mainstream values of contemporary society, or even retrograde or distorted, reflecting the lack of cultural responsibility awareness of TV drama creators.
The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward clear requirements for cultural undertakings: "adhere to the position of Chinese culture, accelerate the construction of Chinese discourse and Chinese narrative system", "deepen exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and promote Chinese culture to the world." In the past ten years, excellent TV series have continued to go abroad, showing Chinese style and style, and demonstrating cultural confidence. However, we should not be satisfied with the status quo, and we should continue to insist on telling the people's stories from the people's perspective; further expand the scale of high-quality drama series⑨ and promote more types of themes to "exit the circle"; strengthen short dramas and short dramas that are more in line with the aesthetic characteristics of the younger generation. Creation of online short dramas, etc. At the same time, we should absorb and carry forward the common values of all mankind, strengthen mutual learning and exchanges among civilizations, and support the development of Chinese modernization through the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture through TV dramas.
(The author Kong Lingshun is the director of the Image Communication Research Center of Guangzhou University and a professor at the School of Journalism and Communication, Tang Wenyu is a postdoctoral fellow at the School of Journalism and Communication at Guangzhou University, and Wang Jingwen is a master's student at the School of Journalism and Communication at Guangzhou University; this article is part of the National Social Science Fund key project “Civilization Phased results of "Research on Image Responsibility in Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind from the Perspective of Mutual Learning" (No.: 20AXW001))